the Gospel

Message from DR Banks: Why holiness is right and no other doctrine can change how true belivers of Jesus Christ should attempt to live each day. Knowing how hard it may be to walk Christ like day by day, moment by moment, we as true believers of the Gospel. Just when Jesus disciples witnessed the performing of miracles, and helping the poor during his ministry. When believers show evidence of regeneration in their hearts, this will build up the body of Christ. When you are a true believer in Christ, you don't speak against the Holy Spirit; instead, you have genuine assurance in Christ for your salvation.

Evangelism is very simple to understand; 'the proclamation of the Gospel to non-believers, announcing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. Jesus told his disciples how they should make disciples of all nations. Charismatic revivals became more prevalent after the healing revivals slowed down and replaced by the Holy Spirit  a revival of deliverance will break out. This new movement was effective faith healing, since it was genuine for abundant life. This great awaking was the start of Pentecostalism that spread the gospel through evangelism,revivals, and mission work. Most charismatic leaders believe any illness can be healed by faith. This describes witnessing through the eye of a charismatic revival movement.

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Andrew Banks
Amen on the word of God going forth in the world. The more we speak about what Jesus has done for us.

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